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Every piece of plastic we prevent from entering the ocean is a step closer to a cleaner, healthier planet
We all know, plastic waste is a problem that exists in all countries of the world, especially in the oceans or seas, where huge amounts of garbage are concentrated and these are affecting marine flora and fauna, and this in one way or another also affects us, in such a way that if fish ingest plastic thinking that it is plankton and then we eat the fish, we preserve Micro plastics in our body. The problem already exists, but we can help it not to continue to grow and also to reduce it, with simple actions such as recycling, throwing garbage in cans, or consuming plastic-free products, but there are also programs such as "End plastic soup" that help the planet and are maintained based on donations, and every donation we make contributes to the development of a better present and future.
This is why I invite you to help donating for constructing a better world.